The concept of "spheres of influence" is not new. It has been commonly used in sociological studies as well as marketing campaigns. It is a systematic way to view how your surrounding environment influences who you are and who you will become. The phrase "Birds of a feather flock together." comes to mind here.
This concept is not earth shattering but it can be beneficial to think about in terms of your own immediate life. Not only is this concept applicable to students, children/adolescents. It is also applicable to adults, businesses, and governments. I often ask myself the question; What company do I keep? How are these people and their behavior and views affecting my life?
As the diagram above illustrates how each part of your life overlaps and affects the outcomes in your life. Individuals fall somewhere in the smaller triangular shaped curve where all three spheres overlap. The diagram and theory attempt to help one realize how their family, community and school/work life interact with their personal life. Believe it or not, our environment and who we interact with dictate who we are now and who we will become later. One can not insulate themselves from these affects but one can focus on one sphere more than another to create more productive outcomes. For example, if you are coming or came from an abusive home life that sphere of influence will continue to affect who you are today. At that time of your life you may have had a positive sphere of influence in either your community or school or even family that compensated for this abuse and helped you get through it. This example is meant to make people realize that if you can identify your negative sphere of influence and replace that with a more positive one you will have a better chance at having successful outcomes.
So take a look at your life today and identify those areas/people who are not positive influences in your life and replace them with more positive influences. This is not easily done and takes quite a bit of hard work and thinking along with purposeful action. However, with determination and some guidance you can begin to point your life in a more positive direction.
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