Educational coaching is not counseling. It is goal based, client centered, and client directed. We are focused on what is working for you. Not what is WRONG with you. We focus on your strengths, dreams, ambitions, and talents. Unfortunately, counseling is still based on the medical model which focuses on your past and on the disease model. Educational coaching is positive, interactive, client centered and directed and progressive. Coaching is based on progress and measuring that progress that is determined by the client. The client determines what success is and how it will be measured. Educational coaching is much like sports coaching. It helps to have a bench mark of where you are at now. There is no set or predetermined baseline and progress is measured against your own abilities....not those abilities of others.
Educational coaching is all about YOU improving. It is not about comparing your progress with your classmates or neighbor. You are in competition with yourself. Having said that, educational coaching is a plan that is facilitated by your coach based on YOUR goals. You decide what is important for you to accomplish. Not your coach, teacher or parents. Your coach is there to help facilitate positive and progressive goal formation along with providing support, guidance, ideas and accountability. Most of us have an idea of where they want to be and how they want to get there. Educational coaching will help devise a specified plan of attack, take out the element of resistance so commonly found among young students and adolescents, and put you in control.
How is this plan delivered?
Educational coaching can be delivered in one of many formats. Some individuals like to work face-to-face with their coach. This is fine if you want to take the time to transport your child to the coach's office, wait for an hour or so, then return to home later that night. However, this is really not necessary. If you have access to the internet and a telephone educational coaching is available to you.
Typically an initial consultation is provided free of charge in order for the coach and the client/student determine if there is a good fit for service. Can the coach help? Does the client feel comfortable with the situation? Once it is determined that educational coaching is a viable avenue to pursue for achieving goals then specific goals and objectives can be addressed. This is where the coach's training, experience and value comes to light. Again, the client determines their own goals but the coach is there to help facilitate the client's goal formulation. This takes time and may require several sessions before a client's goals are realized. Goals must be determined by the client and viewed as important and credible by the client or the motivation for the client to do the work to achieve those goals will not be sufficient.
Once goals are developed the coach helps create objectives to reach those goals with the input of the client. An annual plan is devised that identifies the client's dreams, goals, objectives and major benchmarks that will need to be met at certain times throughout the year in order for the client to stay on track and on schedule to meet their dreams/goals.
At this point you may be asking how can you accomplish this on-line and over the phone? Actually on-line coaching is more efficient and interactive than face-to-face coaching could ever be. First of all you have immediate and unlimited access to your coach via email or phone. Second, you are emailed daily activities/exercises to perform that will help keep you on track, improve self-esteem, and specifically address your educational goals and objectives. Interactivity is ensured by the client being able to write in comments on each activity emailed and which allows the coach to know if they are following the program, find things interesting and motivating, and being accountable to their dreams.
I am interested so where do I go from here?
Getting started is extremely easy and fast. Your first consultation is free and there are no obligations to continue if you find this is not for you. Simply email Coach Pete at educationalconsultingsolutions@yahoo.com in order to set-up your free and initial consultation. If you decide you would like to pursue your career/educational/life dreams then you will be sent an invitation for coaching via email. An initial intake will be performed where you complete several questionnaires, sign a parent/client permission waiver, and further develop your goals/objectives with Coach Pete.
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