Once you have sat down with your child and come up with a target behavior (Positive behavior change that you want to increase.) that both of you agree upon you can then set your "BuzzClock" to go off on fixed and/or random interval schedules. The phone will quietly vibrate reminding your son or daughter of the target behavior you have agreed upon. This behavior maybe as simple as picking up their clothes, doing their homework, exercising for 30 minutes at the end or beginning of the day, or treating their brother or sister or teacher with a little more respect.
It is highly important that you and your child agree upon the specific behavior and that there is only ONE behavior chosen to focus on. Picking several behaviors will not work. Find that one behavior you both feel is holding your son or daughter back the most and define it in positive terms. For example, if Johnny is disrespectful to teachers, define the target behavior as, "Johnny will show respect to his teachers by asking before he gets out of his seat." The fixed or random interval schedule on the phone will vibrate reminding Johnny of this target behavior and will better increase his compliance to the target behavior. This is also a great application for those who desire to lose weight and have identified over-eating or eating sweets as a limiter to their goal.
Continual reminders and self-monitoring of behavior has been proven to increase successful performance of the agreed upon target behavior. Best used with individuals age 12 and up.